Order Your Event Webpage with Online Rsvp

€30,95 EUR

• Upgrade your invitation to a mobile optimized webage to host your video and inlcude an online Rsvp

• We'll inlcude a map link to your venue, and can also include links to your gift registry, accomodation booking links, and anything else helpful to your guests.

• Simply email, text, or message your personal URL to your guests for them to launch your mobile optimized webpage.

• Visit our example invitation webpage below to see how you can create a seamless experience for your friends & family.

Create your Online Rsvp in Minutes

Motion Stamp provides complimentary matching Rsvp templates using Google Forms.

All you need to do is copy the template to your Google account and you have everything you need to easily edit your Rsvp form to be suitable for your event.

You can even copy your template now, before commiting to ordering a webpage, to ensure it is perfect for your needs. Visit the link below